Psychiatric Interviewing the Art of Understanding 3rd Edition Amazon

Psychiatric Interviewing: The Art of Understanding

A Applied Guide for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses, and Other Mental Wellness Professionals, with online video modules, Tertiary Edition

When I was a first-yr resident (many, many years agone!), I came beyond an earlier edition of this volume that has now become a classic in the field. I was both taken aback and excited to see that it was full of and so many tips about interviewing that I was unaware of despite having already washed a residency in psychiatry in Republic of india and working for two years after that. I think that it remains true today–or perchance is fifty-fifty truer today–that not but all trainees in mental wellness but also those of us with some experience will do good from studying Shea's book. So when I heard that a new, third edition of the book was due to exist released, I immediately preordered it on

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Psychiatric Interviewing: The Fine art of Understanding

A ton of material is new in the third edition.  In addition to covering all aspects of the psychiatric interview, the book has many special features that make information technology unique.

– It comes with a free ebook version of the book.

– Included are 7.5 hours of streaming video. In the videos, Shea demonstrates the techniques he teaches and also comments on the interviews. Every bit we read a particular chapter, at that place is a prompt to view a particular video. Thus, the text and the video are integrated.

– Shea explains theconceptsandframeworks underlying the interview techniques rather than simply listing what he recommends.

– The book includes Shea's unique approaches to uncovering sensitive material including suicidal ideation that have been widely recognized as masterpieces of technique.

In his forward, Jan Fawcett Doctor writes that these videos are: "…unparalleled in the history of mental health training. I take never seen such great education videos on eliciting suicidal ideation. They are a treasure, and I believe that many lives volition exist saved by those lucky plenty to view them."

– V bonus chapters on Advanced and Specialized Interviewing Techniques. These include chapters on Motivational Interviewing and on the Medication Involvement Model, which explains more than than forty interviewing techniques to improve adherence to medications. Non-adherence to medication has been called the biggest problem in psychopharmacology, so all prescribing clinicians should read this chapter carefully.

I sincerely hope that all residency programs volition make this book a standard required textbook. Let u.s. motility abroad from cookie cutter approaches and checklist diagnosis. Our profession needs nothing less than the sophisticated approach that Shea guides usa in learning.

Interviewing skills are to a mental health clinician what surgical techniques are to a surgeon. Let the states all proceed to practice and continually improve our arts and crafts, with Shea's volume shut at hand.

From other reviewers:

"Intensely practical, with a riveting chapter on the assessment of risk for suicide and homicide. . . . . Reviewers accept a style of telling you that a good volume is essential for every psychiatric library. This time it really is true." — Canadian Journal of Psychiatry

"…a valuable counter-weight to the 'i size fits all' approach to interviewing and eliciting data." –Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

"Enormously practical, elegant in execution and delightfully fun to read, every page holds clinical wisdom . . . . an unsurpassed book about how to interview" — January Fawcett, MD

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Psychiatric Interviewing: The Art of Understanding

Table of Contents

Part I: Clinical Interviewing: the Principles Backside the Art

one. The Frail Dance: Engagement and Empathy

two. Beyond Empathy: Cornerstone Concepts and Techniques for Enhancing Engagement

iii. The Dynamic Structure of the Interview: Core Tasks, Strategies, and the Continuum

of Open-Endedness

iv. Facilics: The Fine art of Transforming Interviews into Conversations

5. Validity Techniques for Exploring Sensitive Fabric and Uncovering the Truth

half-dozen. Understanding the Person Beneath the Diagnosis: the Search for Uniqueness, Health,

and Cultural Context

7. Cess Perspectives and the Human being Matrix: Bridges to Effective Treatment Planning

in the Initial Interview

viii. Nonverbal Beliefs: The Interview as Mime

Part Two: The Interview and Psychopathology: from Differential Diagnosis to Understanding

9. Mood Disorders: How to Sensitively Arrive at a Differential Diagnosis

10. Interviewing Techniques for Understanding the Person Beneath the Mood Disorder

eleven. Psychotic Disorders: How to Sensitively Arrive at a Differential Diagnosis

12. Interviewing Techniques For Understanding the Person Beneath the Psychosis

13. Personality Disorders: Earlier the Interview Begins – Cadre Concepts

xiv. Personality Disorders: How to Sensitively Arrive at a Differential Diagnosis

15. Agreement and Effectively Engaging People with Hard Personality Disorders:

the Psychodynamic Lens

Part Three: Mastering Complex Interviewing Tasks Demanded in Everyday Clinical Practice

sixteen. The Mental Status: How to Perform and Certificate Information technology Effectively

17. Exploring Suicidal Ideation: The Delicate Art of Suicide Assessment

eighteen. Exploring Fierce and Homicidal Ideation: From Domestic Violence to Mass Murder

Office 4: Specialized Topics & Advanced Interviewing – Bonus Fabric Online

19. Transforming Acrimony, Confrontation, and Other Points of Detachment

20. Culturally Adaptive Interviewing: The Challenging Fine art of Exploring Culture, Worldview,

and Spirituality

21. Vantage Points: Bridges to Psychotherapy

22. Motivational Interviewing (MI): A Foundation Stone in Collaborative Interviewing

23. Medication Interest Model (MIM): Moving from Mere "Adherence" to 18-carat Interest

and Effective Apply

Glossary & Appendices

Appendix I: An Introduction to the Facilic Schematic System – A Shorthand for Supervisors and

Supervisees (Interactive Computer Module)

Appendix 2: Annotated Initial Interview (Straight Transcript of an Actual Patient Interview)

Appendix Iii: The Written Document/Electronic Health Record (EHR): Constructive Strategies

IIIA Practical Tips for Creating a Good EHR/Written Document

IIIB Prompts and Quality Assurance Guidelines for the EHR/Written Document

IIIC Sample Written Initial Cess (Bodily document created from patient interview

in Appendix II)

IIID Blank Prototypic Initial Clinical Assessment Form

Appendix IV: Specially Re-Printed Manufactures from the Psychiatric Clinics of N America

Group A: Three articles for clinicians and trainees on advanced clinical interviewing topics

Group B: Four articles for faculty and interviewing mentors on grooming and supervision strategies/models

Glossary of Interview Supervision Terms

Related Pages

Psychiatric Interviewing: Interview with Shawn Christopher Shea, MD

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